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The NDIS Review
On Thursday 7 December 2023, the final report of the NDIS review was released. The report maps out the Review’s recommendations to help restore trust, ensure the Scheme’s sustainability, and deliver a better NDIS experience for participants moving forward.
But what does it actually mean for NDIS participants?
The lengthy 329-page report includes 26 recommendations and 139 supporting actions, which are projected to be implemented over the next five years.
While the full Government response to the Review won’t be released until sometime in 2024, discussions with the disability community will continue over the coming months as the NDIS work together to make the positive changes needed for people with disability.
In a recent episode of his Reasonable and Necessary: Making Sense of the NDIS Podcast, Dr George Taleporos, brings together Australia’s leading disability advocates to unpack the Review. Dr George, along with El Gibbs, Nick Avery, Jarrod Sandell-Hay and Sam Paior discuss all the big changes that are proposed, and what they might mean for you.
Here’s a snapshot of the Review’s recommendations
Legislation: The Review recommended a range of legislative reforms to return the scheme to its original intent and improve the experience of participants. This included legislation to improve eligibility and access, as well as an early intervention pathway for children.
Foundational supports: The Review recommended disability specific supports that would be available to people with disability and, where appropriate, their families and carers. The Review said these supports should be available to all Australians with disability, whether they are on the NDIS or not. Foundational supports would interconnect with existing mainstream services like childcare and schools.
Early childhood intervention: The Review said there is not enough support for children in everyday settings, where they live, play and learn. It recommends children with disability and developmental concerns or delays are identified early and get the support they need. This could include earlier checks and screening to pick up developmental concerns and provide support.
New approaches to psychosocial disability and mental health: The Review recommended a new, dedicated approach for people with psychosocial disability that better meets their episodic needs and is focused on personal recovery. It recommended that access to mental health services should be improved and there should be a strengthened interface between mental health systems and the NDIS.
Service navigation: The Review recommended the introduction of navigators to help people with disability, find and access all services available to them across mainstream services, community supports, foundational supports and the NDIS.
Fairer housing and living support: The Review recommended consistency should be introduced to housing and living support budgets to make it fairer for NDIS participants. The Review recommended a more flexible and innovative approach to housing supports to help people access solutions that suit them better.
Registration: The Review recommended all providers should be enrolled or registered, with the level of regulatory requirement being determined by the risk and complexity of the different supports they provide.
You can access the full report and the supporting documents here.