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Did you know your clients can employ people they already know and trust as their Support Workers?

That's right. We can support your clients to directly employ people they know and trust as their Support Workers without the need to go through an agency.

We handle all the tricky stuff. They employ who they want.

Naz and Abbie

The traditional starting point for accessing Support Workers

Traditional agencies and online platforms are a great place to start when organising Support Workers. But what happens when they can’t meet your clients’ needs?

Based on their preferences, needs and location these options may just not be the right fit.

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The Support Workers on offer are random.

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The Support Workers that may suit their needs aren’t available in their area.

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They have someone you know and trust, that they’d like to support them.

That’s where our Direct Employ service comes in

The NDIS guidelines allow for participants to employ Support Workers directly. That’s all well and good but the idea of figuring this out on their own is just too tricky for most families.

We believe that the NDIS vision around choice isn’t just a statement, but that it should, and can be a reality for every participant and their loved ones.

That’s why we’ve designed our service to open up people’s choice of who supports them and their loved ones.

    • The Carer Solutions Direct Employ Model

      Our Direct Employ Service Model

    The Benefits of our Direct Employ Service

    Our unique service enables your clients to:

    • Employ people suitable for their needs

    • Determine the pay rate with their Support Workers – agree on the best rates for both of them

    • Be in control of who they want to employ and when

    • Our expert team manage their payroll and compliance obligations

    • We keep them across the latest updates from the NDIS and our community

    Carer Solutions Partner Experience Manag
    Woman with Down syndrome smiling at a woman with dark hair and glasses

    What about the costs?

    The good news is, there’s no sign up, membership or monthly fees.

    Our service fee is only a percentage on top of the hourly rate they agree with each Support Worker they employ.

    So they only pay for the service when they use it.

    Once they approve and submit timesheets, we take of everything, including paying wages, Superannuation, PAYG tax and associated costs. We also cover off all of the tricky stuff for them including; long service leave accrual and WorkCover insurance.

    Our Direct Employ service has:

    • No limits
    • No cancellation fees
    • No default maximum charge per hour
    • No hidden or extra fees

    Want to catch up? How about a coffee?

    We’re a personal bunch and we love to meet people and learn more about them, especially in person.

    We can come out to you, or catch up via video—whatever suits you.
