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‘One of a kind’ service enabled Sophia to handpick Tiffany’s Support Workers

Sophia was able to employ Angela, a family friend as her daughter Tiffany's Support Worker.

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Angela is writing something on a piece of paper and Tiffany is sitting beside her. She is wearing glasses and knit jumper and she is looking at what Angela has written.

Tiffany was born a TE Fistula baby, which means her oesophagus went blindly into her lung at birth. Her mum Sophia describes her as a “miracle on two legs” as her prognosis at birth was not positive.

“She wasn’t supposed to live, let alone walk, because she had so much damage from all of the bradycardia spells “.

Now 41, Tiffany has proven all the medical professionals wrong and is thriving with the support of her mum and her amazing support team.

Growing up Tiffany had many challenges, and Sophia struggled to find Support Workers who would encourage Tiffany to engage in the activities she enjoyed.

“In Tasmania there a lot of Support Workers, but finding the right Support Worker for your child, that you feel safe with, is like finding a needle in a haystack.” she explains.

So, discovering Carer Solutions changed everything for Sophia and Tiffany, Sophia loved the idea of being able to handpick Tiffany’s Support Workers and that she could employ people she already knew, and whom Tiffany had a strong connection with.

She immediately thought of Angela, a friend of the family who Tiffany already knew from the local skating rink where Sophia works.

Carer Solutions Direct Employ service enabled Sophia to directly employ Angela and agree on her pay rates and when she works. Sophia says Angela is one of the best Support Workers that Tiffany has ever had.

“Angela is fantastic with Tiffany – she is doing things with Tiffany that no one else ever has and does that things that I don’t have time to do with her.”

Angela supports Tiffany to pursue her goals and interests such as painting and skating, which is quite the achievement for a baby that Sophia was told would never walk.

Sophia especially loves having her own designated Account Manager to support her with any questions she may have. The Carer Solutions team take care of all of Tiffany’s Support Workers payroll and insurances – giving Sophia the freedom and peace of mind she needs.

“Carer Solutions is one of a kind from my experience, and they are next to none. I personally have never used a service that is this good.”

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