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ChatAbility Episode 2: Accessible Employment

ChatAbility is a platform for our community to engage in meaningful conversations that are important to people living with disability.

Three women and one man talking

Our second episode of ChatAbility was filmed in Frankston on Wednesday 17th August. This event was hosted by Carer Solutions Founder and CEO Jane Morrell, and co-hosted by CEO of Source Kids, Emma Price.

The panel discussion program explored the very current topic of Accessible and Inclusive Employment in front of a live audience.

Jane and Emma were joined by four guests who included Bianca Stern, Sam Pamensky, Liz Ellis and Michelle Wakeford.

Bianca Stern is General Manager of All Things Equal Café, a start-up not-for-profit cafe providing purposeful, paid employment training and work-readiness for those with and without disability in a mainstream work environment.

Sam Pamensky is a proud employee of All Things Equal Café. The 19 year old spoke about his hopes and dreams for a bright career and future.

Liz Ellis is an NDIS participant who has qualifications in social work and over 17 years of experience in advocacy. She has a background working in the non-for-profit sector and continues an active role in advocacy.

Michelle Wakeford is the Senior Manager of Ticket to Work, which aims to improve employment opportunities and outcomes for young people with disability. Michelle is a passionate advocate for providing opportunities and support for young people transitioning from school to employment.

Episode three will focus on the topic of Invisible Disabilities. Click here to find out more.

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